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Winery in Montalcino Podere Le Ripi contacts and driving directions

Francesco Illy, vinedresser
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +39 0577 835 641

Podere le Ripi società agricola arl
53024 Montalcino, Italy
P. IVA 00974960528

Lat 43° 0’ 21.481199 Long 11° 32’ 18.6575999

Driving Direction

From Montalcino follow the directions to Castelnuovo dell'Abate for 9 kilometers. Once arrived in Castelnuovo dell'Abate, on the main intersection you will find at your left the directions to "Podere Le Ripi". Turn left in front of the Osteria Bassomondo following the directions. Follow the white road for 2 kilometers until you find another sign for Podere Le Ripi. Turn right and follow the road for one kilometer... You have just reached your destination!

Winery in Montalcino Podere Le Ripi contacts and driving directions


Once you reach the roundabout in Montalcino, please take the 4th exit, where the road sign indicates Sant’Antimo Abbey and Castelnuovo dell’Abate.

Winery in Montalcino Podere Le Ripi contacts and driving directions


Road signs indicating Castelnuovo dell’Abate/ Sant’Antimo Abbey.

Winery in Montalcino Podere Le Ripi contacts and driving directions


Follow the road for around 9 kilometers / 6 miles until you reach the crossroad in Castelnuovo dell’Abate town.

Winery in Montalcino Podere Le Ripi contacts and driving directions


Once here please follow the road sign for Podere Le Ripi and turn left.

Winery in Montalcino Podere Le Ripi contacts and driving directions


Please continue until you see the Osteria Bassomondo and follow the road on the left. Please pay attention since it is a dirt road, drive safely without speeding for 2 kilometers/ 1,5 mile.

Winery in Montalcino Podere Le Ripi contacts and driving directions


At the intersection, where there is the sign Mastrojanni, please turn right and follow the directions for Podere Le Ripi. Go down 1 kilometer / half mile more and... your destination is in front of you!